After completing the comprehensive assessment and formulating a plan with your practitioner, the next step is to establish the “foundations” through one-on-one personal functional training sessions.

The foundations of functional patterns involves correcting your posture through various techniques like joint stacking, active spinal decompression, diaphragmatic breathing, and re-tensioning. These sessions will prime your body to progress into more complex dynamic and explosive movements without experiencing injury. Injury prevention is one of the keys to success.

From there, you will continue with more advanced one-on-one training. Similar to foundations, advanced sessions will focus on ways to successfully address your imbalances through realignment techniques, chambers, multi-plane ballistics, and pendulum movements.

Group Circuit Training

We also offer group functional circuit training sessions.. Our classes are typically 3-5 people per practitioner , and our highly skilled practitioners can still address individual postural deficiencies and bio mechanic flaws within these classes. Most clients do a combination of one on one training and group training. Only a limited amount of slots are available. These classes are meant to produce results and never to sacrifice quality over quantity so each class will not exceed 15 participants.

We offer classes Mon-Sun

Monday 9:30 am

Tuesday 6-7 pm

Wednesday 9:30 am

Thursday 7 pm

Friday 6:30 pm

Saturday 8 am

Sunday 9 am